FAQ about Relevator

Frequently asked questions about buying from Relevator

On each item you can click directly on the “get quote” button, or just get in touch with info@relevator.se so we can clarify all the details.

We can include transportation in our price. If you have your own carrier or shipping contract you want to use, coordinate it with our sales team.

For items that we have in stock, we can normally ship them within 2-4 days. As for installation, this needs to be coordinated with our sales staff, but usually we can install within 2 - 4 weeks. An installation takes anywhere from 1 day to 1 week depending on the type of automation.

For most of the properties we sell at Relevator, we can offer financing. We work with De Lage Landen and can offer financing over 3, 4 or 5 years.

Frequently asked questions about selling through Relevator

Then just fill in one of our forms for the sale or valuation of your vertical storage systems. You can also contact us at info@relevator.se As soon as we get a grip on what equipment you want to sell, we will come out for a valuation!

Once we have inspected and valued your Vertical Lift Module or vertical carousel and you want to go ahead with a sale, we will carry out a photography and filming of the object. If you want to sell the object directly, we make a cash offer, if you want to broker the object, we give you an estimated residual value and then we put it up for sale.

If you want to get rid of the object directly, we will give you a cash offer and can remove it immediately. If you choose to sell the item through brokerage, we usually sell it within 1 - 3 months depending on how large and complex the automation is.

As soon as the automation has been dismantled and removed, you can issue your invoice to us with 30 days net.

Terms, conditions and guarantees

The guarantees depend on the product and the deal. In the offer for each item we sell, you can find out what type of warranty is included.

If you buy products without installation, we invoice with 30 days net from the delivery of the goods. If you have chosen to include installation from us, we usually invoice 30% on order, 60% on delivery and 10% after installation, 30 days net.